Create A Winning LinkedIn Marketing Strategy

LinkedIn is the go to business to business, social network. Here you will find 810 million professionals and 58 million companies from every industry discussing business related topics. If you’re a business-to-business company, then a LinkedIn marketing strategy is a must.

5, 3, 2 Post strategy

The 5:3:2 post strategy is a great guideline for what to post. We have a full recipe explaining 5, 3, 2.

The rule proposes that for every 10 updates; you post to a social media channel:

  • 5 posts should be content shares from others, relevant to your audience
  • 3 posts should be original content by you, relevant to your audience and not a sales pitch
  • Two posts should be personal, non-work related content that helps humanise your brand, for example, employee achievements.
5, 3, 2 Social media post strategy

Engage with your employees

Don’t just market to clients or potential clients, your employees have connections too. 30% of LinkedIn engagement comes from employees, who are X14 more likely to share content created by their employer. Which makes sense, your employees want your company to succeed and develop.

Interact with your employees, congratulate them on promotions and achievements in person and via LinkedIn.

Promotion Social Media Mock Up

Images attract X2 higher engagement

Posts with images create higher engagement. This is true on every social media platform, post images of real-world situations like training employees or successful jobs and create images using software like Canva or Google Business Profile Marketing Kit to share customer reviews.

Blog Post Social Media Mock Up

Real people get real customers

Don’t be shy about including photos of yourself or your employees in your LinkedIn marketing strategy. We like to see real people working, don’t do a Rishi Sunak and borrow someone’s car just to pose at a petrol station. Take photos of real hard work, employee training, before & after photos and normal work life.

Office Life Social Media Mock Up

When and how often to post

Let’s keep this one simple. It’s a business platform used by business people while at work.

Posts Per Week: 2 to 3

Best Days To Post: Tuesday to Friday

Best Time To Post: During business hours (Working 9 to 5, what a way to make a living).

Dollys Dixie Fixins by Dolly Parton

What to post?

LinkedIn is a different kettle of fish than Facebook or Instagram. Because it’s business focused memes won’t work as well, posting out of business hours is potentially pointless, and your profile picture definitely shouldn’t be a photo from last weekend’s FA Cup final.

Instead, use the 5,3,2 strategy while keeping in mind that LinkedIn’s users want professionalism. Share a meme, but share one that relates to your industry, share employee and company achievements. Re-post a news article you enjoyed reading from an industry publication.


If you’re hiding, no one will find you. So go out there and comment on posts by others. Comment and share posts by your suppliers and your clients. 

The more frequently you interact with people, the more your name or your business will pop up in people’s feeds and slowly will produce more followers and hopefully clients.

Home Automation Social Media Mock Up

Your personal profile Vs your business profile.

Think back to when you last looked up a company you wanted to do business with on LinkedIn. I bet you looked at the company’s owner’s and / or an employee’s profile as well.

For that reason and because YOU will interact with LinkedIn users, your profile should be as good as your companies. You can’t dictate to your employees what they have to do, but by leading by example, maybe you can influence change.

Your profile picture

Below are 2 profile pictures of Fishy. Both are fine for LinkedIn, but one stands out where the other doesn’t. A close up of you with a plain background looks best on the platform.

Fish Profile Photo

Complete LinkedIn profile

When you log in to LinkedIn, they will prompt you to complete your profile. DO IT. Complete profiles get x5 more views than non-complete profiles.

Struggling with the above recipe? Hire a chef to do it for you