5, 3, 2 Social media post strategy (With examples)

5, 3, 2 Post Strategy Breakdown

Post strategy is key to your making social media successful. We have briefly spoken about 5, 3, 2 strategy by TA McCann from gist.com but we wanted to dive deeper into some ideas about what content you could create.

5: Content Sharing Post Strategy

This subject is relatively simple though can’t always be planned. Most business owners will have an interest in what is happening in their market, be it property or candles. With this in mind you can share news from industry news feeds, suppliers and clients

Sharing Supplier Updates

Your suppliers share content about new products, software updates and general news about your market. Leverage this to your own advantage by sharing these updates, they are doing half of the work for you.

For Home Automation Installers 

Home Automation Social Media Mock Up

For Estate Agents

Estate Agent Social Media Mock Up

You don’t need to share content that is related to you or your business directly, share content that is related to your industry and your clients. Anything that your clients will be interested in.

3: Original Content Post Strategy

Here is where you share before and after photos of work you have done, new products and services, case studies and company blog posts

Blog Post Announcement

Blog Post Social Media Mock Up

Before & After

Before After Social Media Mock Up

New Product Announcement

Phone Social Media Mock Up

2: ‘Non Work’ and Personal Content Post Strategy

To humanise your company you need to be human. By sharing employee achievements, photos from conferences you attended and even photos from the office you will help people relate to you and your business

Employee Achievements

Promotion Social Media Mock Up

Office Life

Office Life Social Media Mock Up

Golden Rule For Social Media

Don’t sell, sell, sell. People don’t like being sold to, we are all bombarded with adverts on TV, Billboards, Social Media, even this website has ads. You have to sell on occasion just to let your customers and clients know you do. Just not every post.

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