How & Where to renew a domain

When our domain expires, our website wont be available. Clients and potential clients won’t be able to access our latest news, reviews or products. So we are always online, we have created a list of where to renew a domain.

What Is A Domain

A domain is a human readable string of text that maps to a numeric IP address. Like our house address maps to Longitude / Latitude coordinates, we don’t know our house coordinates or share them as everyone understands an address.

IP Address:

Website Address:

Who manages domain names

All domain names are managed by Domain Registries (72 Accredited Registrars) these domain registrars delegate domain registration to registrars.

There are 300 million registered domain names, how many could be our competitor?

Choose your domain provider below and head to their own help documentation for help getting our renewal done.

Where to renew a domain

Additional help from


Additional help from Bluehost


Additional help from GoDaddy


Additional help from 123Reg


Additional help from Wix


Additional help from HostGator


Additional help from Namecheap


Additional help from DreamHost

Google Domains

Additional help from Google Domains

1&1 Ionos

Additional help from Ionos

Looking to update your TXT record? We have a recipe for you

Struggling with the above recipe? Hire a chef to do it for you