Updating WordPress plugins

Updating WordPress plugins to their latest versions helps us implement new features, keep security up to date and ensure compatibility with the latest version of WordPress core.

Plugins update consistently, on average we found there are at least one update every week. In this recipe we are going to show you how to update WordPress plugins.

Please follow our WordPress Backup recipe before cooking

Updating WordPress Plugins

How To Update WordPress Plugins

WordPress Updates dont need to be complicated
Computer Time 20 minutes
Total Time 20 minutes


  • WordPress


  • WordPress Plugins Installed
  • WordPress Plugins Installed



  • Before we do anything on our website, please create a Backup of our website

Update WordPress Plugins

  • Login to your WordPress admin dashboard, www.yourdomain.com/wp-admin
  • On the upper right press Dashboard > Updates.
    You can tell how many updates are required by the orange bubble displaying the number of updates available.
    WordPress Update Menu
  • This will open the WordPress Update dashboard where you can update plugins, themes, and WordPress itself
  • Press Select All
  • Press Update Plugins
    WordPress Update Screen
  • WordPress will process your request
  • Always double check your website after any update or change you make

Clear / Purge Your Cache

  • To make sure you get the most from your new updated plugins, make sure you clear your cache. The cache has stored images and assets of plugins to load your page quickly, these also need to be updated, so clearing the cache will reduce the risk of your site appearing broken.
  • Do do this open your cache plugin (If you have one) nearly all that I have tried and tested have a button on the first screen called Clear Cache or Purge Cache.

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