Unlimited Gmail Email Addresses (For Free)

Have you ever needed an extra email address? We are not talking about having a personal email address plus a work email. We are talking about unlimited Gmail email addresses.

If you’re a Google Gmail or Google Workspace user, did you know you can get unlimited email addresses? Sorry Microsoft.

If your already using Google Workspace or Cpanel we could also set up a Catch All / Default email to achieve something similar.

How to get unlimited email addresses

Google ignores anything after a plus symbol + in any email address.

Unlimited Google Workspace Emails

When we are using Google Workspace as our email provider. Just add +facebook, +twitter or +ilovecats before the @ symbol


If your email is headchef@itrecipes.co.uk we can add + then a keyword before the @ and still receive an email

Add Plus
Catch All Email Setup – Google Workplace
Never Loose An Email Again
Check out this recipe
Never Loose An Email With Catch All Email Setup

Unlimited Gmail Emails

This little trick will also work on personal Google Mail accounts

If our email is itecipes@gmail.com we can add + then a keyword before the @ and still receive an email

Plus At Gmail

Also personal Gmail address allow us to add dots anywhere into our email i.t.recipes@gmail.com 

Add Dots
Add Dots

Another unlimited email trick is to use googlemail.com and gmail.com, as a Gmail user you can use both googlemail and gmail.

Unlimited Gmail email addresses
gmail googlemail

Give it a go, send yourself an email with the plus note or dots and see if it arrives your first step towards unlimited Gmail email addresses.

Why do I need more email addresses? 

Using any of the above tricks we can see which companies sell our data and get an idea of who too. For example, when we signed up to Instagram we used itrecipes1+instagram@gmail.com 

When sharing our email with friends we use itrecipes1@googlemail.com.

This allows us to use Google mails built-in filters to sort out the spam from the newsletters and genuine enquiries.

Struggling with the above recipe? Hire a chef to do it for you