Serve images in next-gen formats (PageSpeed Insights Solutions)

If you have used Googles PageSpeed Insights you may have been given the recommendation to Serve images in next-gen formats. We will show you how to fix this.

What Is Page Speed?

The king of search, Google, uses many metrics to decide where in the search list you might appear. We all hope for that page 1 top spot.

1 metric Google uses to rank your website is page load speed. 3 seconds or less is the golden spot. Measurements are mobile-first so a responsive website is a must.

You can use to test your website, type your URL then press analyse.

Once analysis is complete you will be presented with various metrics and possible solutions to the slower sections of your website. CSS, Javascript, Images, Cache and Div elements can all slow a site down.

Google knows WordPress powers 40% of the internet so gives recommendations specific to WordPress sites. This allows you to fix the issue if you know how.

Serve images in next-gen formats

One metric Page Speed measures are your website images (Serve images in next-gen formats). If you have used JPG, JPEG or PNG images on your website we can reduce image size’s to help your page load quicker.

PageSpeed Insights Opportunity

Using WEBP over JPG, JPEG or PNG gives you the same quality with a higher compression rate. Developed by Google its supports image transparency and animation. 25% to 34% smaller than JPG it can quickly reduce your sites load time.

A new way of thinking

If you are like us you may have been blindly using PNG images on your website for a while. This meant when we came to converting our images it took quite a while. Get into a new way of thinking and always convert or save images in WEBP formats from the start.


To solve this PageSpeed oppotunity we can either download all of our sites photos (See recipe below) or use W3 Total Cache.

How to use W3 Total Cache to Serve images in next-gen formats
Improve your Google PageSpeed score
Check out this recipe
How to improve our Google PageSpeed Insights Score
I.T. Recipes Delivery Bike

PageSpeed Insights – Serve images in next-gen formats

Convert PNG / JPG to WEBP image formats to give your website a speed boast
Time Per Image 2 minutes
Total Time 2 minutes


  • 1 GIMP (GNU Image Manipulation Program)
  • WordPress Version 5.8+


  • 1 Website Images Downloaded Locally To Your Computer
  • 1 Recent BackUp
  • 1 Website Images Downloaded Locally To Your Computer
  • 1 Recent BackUp


  • Download GIMP (GNU Image Manipulation Program) and install.
    Download GIMP
  • Open GIMP and select File > Open, Navigate to your website images and open the first one.
    GIMP Open Image
  • Select File > Export.
    GIMP File Menu Export As
  • Keep the same file name to help you find it later and add .webp to the end and press Export in the bottom right.
    GIMP Rename and Export
  • Keep the default settings GIMP suggest, press Export
    Do this for each image you want to convert. I would suggest you do one first and follow the rest of this tutorial to make sure it works for you.
    GIMP Export Image As WebP
  • Now open up your WordPress admin (by default it is
    WordPress Login Screen
  • Open Media and select Add New
    WordPress Media Menu
  • Press Select Files, and navigate to your new WEBP images and select all
    WordPress Upload Image
  • If you have a large amounts of images we might as well have a cup of tea
    Cup Of Tea
  • The next section can take a while.
    We will need to Edit each Post and Page, select the old image then press Replace > Open Media Library
    WordPress Replace Image
  • If you are not sure you have selected your new image from Media Library, you can check the file name on the right hand side while when selecting the file
    WordPress Image File Name

Struggling with the above recipe? Hire a chef to do it for you