How to have portrait and landscape pages in the same document

Sometimes, just sometimes we need to have a single page in a 40 page portrait report in landscape. Luckily we can have portrait and landscape pages in the same document using Google Docs and Microsoft Word.

What is portrait and landscape

Simply its vertical (portrait) or horizontal (landscape). A piece of paper standing on its short side (portrait) or its long side (landscape).

What advantages does changing page orientation have?

By changing the pages orientation we can find extra space for our beautiful graph on projected sales, a wide table or just a photo showing a new product. You can see below which looks better

Portrait and landscape feature image

How to have portrait and landscape pages in the same document

Landscape, Portrait, Landscape, Portrait, Portrait, Landscape,
Computer Time 15 minutes
Total Time 15 minutes


  • Google Workspace Account (Paid) OR
  • Google Account (Free) OR
  • Microsoft Office


  • Document
  • Document


Google Docs

  • Highlight the contents on the page you want to change orientation for.
    Google Step 1 - Select Page
  • Right click and press Change page to landscape
    Step 2 - Menu
  • You may need to do a little tweaking to move text and images to the correct place
    Step 3 - Google Docs Done

Microsoft Word

  • Place our cursor at the start of the page we wish to change to landscape.
    Microsoft Word - Step 1
  • Select Layout > Breaks > Next Page.
    Microsoft Word - Step 3
  • Select Layout > Orientation > Landscape.
    Microsoft Word - Step 3
  • Now repeat the 1st 3 steps but this time place your cursor at the start the page after our landscape page.
    Microsoft Word - Step 5
  • You may need to do a little tweaking to move text and images to the correct place.
    Microsoft Word - Step 6

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