25 Universal Office Keyboard Shortcuts To Save You Time

Keyboard shortcuts help us save time and energy. Master the basics office keyboard shortcuts to speed up your work.

Everyone likes a shortcut, normally only known by the locals. In, all walks of life they provide us with a quick route to the pub or an advantage when playing Mario Kart. Microsoft Office, OpenOffice and most other text editors are no different.

I can use a mouse. I don’t need office keyboard shortcuts?

Did you know we don’t need a mouse to use our computer? We can do everything via the keyboard. 

It can take you 5 seconds to save a document via a mouse. Granted that’s nothing given we could live for 2.5 billion seconds (85 years). If we save our document every 5 minutes that’s 1 minute every hour we have spent saving. Whereas we could press Ctrl + s and it’s done in 2 seconds.

Another benefit is accessibility, not everyone can use a mouse or touch pad so having keyboard options helps a lot.

Universal (ish) Keyboard Shortcuts 

People change and so do shortcuts. We tested the below key combinations in November 2022 in Microsoft Word (Windows & Mac), OpenOffice (Windows), Notepad++ (Windows), Google Docs (Windows & Mac).

Not every text editor will have every function, Notepad++ doesn’t have Bold, Italic or Underlining functions.

Don’t worry about memorising every keyboard shortcut. Remembering a few of the key ones will help you look like the professional of the office in no time. Just pop back here when you need a refresh or press Print This Recipe.

Command or Ctrl

If you are using a MAC then your keyboard will use the Command button in the lower left of your keyboard.

If you are using a PC then your keyboard will probably use the CTRL button in the lower left of your keyboard.

office keyboard shortcuts command or ctrl
Command or Ctrl

Cut, Copy & Paste

Cut Copy Paste Icons
Cut Copy Paste Icons
FunctionWindows ShortcutMac Shortcut
CutCtrl + xCommand + x
CopyCtrl + cCommand + c
PasteCtrl + vCommand + v
Paste Without FormattingCtrl + Shift + vCommand + Shift + v
Cut, Copy and Paste Shortcuts For Office

Undo and Redo

Undo and Redo Icons
FunctionWindows ShortcutMac Shortcut
UndoCtrl + zCommand + z
RedoCtrl + yCommand + y
Undo and Redo Office Keyboard Shortcuts

Zoom, Full Screen

Zoom, Full Screen Icons
Zoom, Full Screen Icons
FunctionWindows ShortcutMac Shortcut
Zoom InCtrl + +Command + +
Zoom OutCtrl + –Command + –
Full ScreenF11F11
View Shortcuts For Office


Left Up Down Arrows and Search Icon
Navigation Office Keyboard Shortcuts
FunctionWindows ShortcutMac Shortcut
FindCtrl + fCommand + f
Move one character up / down / left / rightArrow KeysArrow Keys
Move to the beginning of a lineHomeHome
Go to the beginning of a documentCtrl + HomeCommand + Home
Move to the end of a lineEndEnd
Go to the end of a documentCtrl + EndCommand + End
Move 1 screen up / downPage UpPage DownPage UpPage Down
Move 1 word left / rightCtrl + Left Arrow / Right ArrowCommand + Left Arrow / Right Arrow
Navigate Shortcuts For Office

Text Formatting

Text Size, Align, Formating Icons
Text Size, Align, Underline, Italic, Bold Icons
FunctionWindows ShortcutMac Shortcut
BoldCtrl + bCommand + b
ItalicCtrl + iCommand + i
UnderlineCtrl + uCommand + u
Decrease the font size 1 pointCtrl + [Command + [
Increase the font size 1 pointCtrl + ]Command + ]
Centre textCtrl + eCommand + e
Align text leftCtrl + lCommand + l
Align text rightCtrl + rCommand + r
Text Formatting Office Keyboard Shortcuts

Struggling with the above recipe? Hire a chef to do it for you