How to add a TXT record to DNS

Many search engines will ask you to verify your domain. This is to help stop miscreants from using domains they don’t own for illicit purposes. With hundreds of domain providers available, we can’t go through each one. But we can point you to their help documents on how to add a TXT record, so you’re not spending too much time looking for it.

What is a TXT record

DNS TXT records were intended for domain notes, “This domain is tasty”. They are now more commonly used for verification and for email protection. When you sign up for Google Search Console, they will ask you to verify your domain before you can see search data on your site. The same goes for MailChimp. To send emails as yourself from MailChimp, you will need to verify your domain. These verifications will comprise one line of text ‘google-site-verification=4TasTYYUMMYE8023hn4NpnTvl4uyyMVV3W4Segh8’

SPF, DMARC and DKIM also use TXT records. These can help you limit email spam to and from your mail server. These help limit the potential of someone emailing pretending to be you.

There is no limit on how many TXT records you can create, so you can verify with Google, MailChimp, and Sage with no hassle.

How do I know who my domain provider is?

Your domain provider may differ from your hosting provider. In most cases, they will be the same, but some they might be different. 

If you are not sure or can’t remember your domain provider, then navigate to type in your domain and look for Registrar Information

Registrar Information View

How to add a TXT record

Additional help from


Additional help from Bluehost


Additional help from GoDaddy


Additional help from 123Reg


Additional help from Wix


Additional help from HostGator


Additional help from Namecheap


Additional help from DreamHost

Google Domains

Additional help from Google Domains

1&1 Ionos

Additional help from Ionos


Additional Help

*Some hosting providers, though use cPanel they do not use cPanel for DNS

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