Brave Browser: How much can our website earn with BAT

Brave allows creators to earn tips in the form of BAT (Cryptocurrency – Basic Attention Token). Our viewers, who use the Brave Browser, can tip us via an icon by our URL. But is it worth it and how much can our website earn with BAT.

What Is Brave Browser?

Brave browser or just Brave is available on iOS, Android, Mac, Windows, and Linux. It is an open source (free) privacy focused internet browser, out of the box Brave will block advertisements & website trackers, automatically upgrade HTTP to HTTPS, and won’t collect our data.

Brave Browser Logo
Brave Browser Logo

As with most modern browsers it uses a Chromium back end (Used in Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge, Firefox, Opera, and Amazon), as well as privacy features Brave offers users the ability to earn BAT via in browser ads and tips from users to creators.

Brave’s market share is 0.05% (56.2 Million monthly users), this is a tiny number next to Chrome’s 77.03% but considering Safari is in 2nd place with only 8.87% market share it’s not terrible.

What Is BAT

BAT is based on the Ethereum ERC-20 standard. Blah blah blah, technical jargon. Basically BAT is a cryptocurrency, if you want to know more about crypto read our guide Should I Accept Bitcoin.

Their are 2 different types ways to earn money from Brave

  1. Brave Users: By ‘surfing’ the internet adverts brave will display adverts via a popup or notification. Earning a small amount of BAT for every advert
  2. Brave Creators: Website owners can verify their site with Brave which allows Brave User to tip them BAT via the browser.
Brave User Advert Example
Brave User Advert Example

How Many Creators Are There

As of 2022 there are 1.7 m creators using Brave.

These creators can publish content on various platforms. YouTube currently has the most creators with 800k with Twitter, Twitch, Websites, and Reddit with 220k to 120k each.

Once we have let Brave know where we publish, they will allow their browser users to tip either once or monthly. Brave creators are easy to spot while using the brave browser to the right of our URL we can see the BAT icon with a blue tick. This means we can tip this website using BAT we have either bought or earn via ads.

How Much Can We Earn Using Brave

A brave browser user could earn an extra £4 a month just from adverts. 

how much can our website earn with BAT
Example BAT payout

Brave doesn’t publish how much creators make from tips. If you research this, you will find some creators saying some of their content doesn’t earn and others say they do. Given that anyone can sign up to be a creator, we don’t need to tell you there are probably quite a few small Reddit accounts posting pancake memes who don’t earn from it.

Pancake Meme
Pancake Meme

In the future, we are going to look into either updating this post monthly with our tip stats or posting monthly about all of our earning stats. Let us know what you would prefer.

Brave Browser How much can my website earn with BAT

Brave Creator SignUp

We guide you through the steps to become a verified Brave Creator
Total Time 10 minutes


  • FTP Client FileZilla, WinSCP


  • Website
  • Website


  • Navigate to
    Enter your email, press Create Account and then verify your email address.
    How much can I earn with BAT - Step 1 - Email
  • Once verified, we have access to Brave Rewards Creators Dashboard. From here we can + Add Channel.
    Step 3
  • Select the type of channel you wish to add, We will be adding a website, but most of the other Channels just require us to login and allow Brave Creator permissions to verify our account.
    Brave Add Channel
  • Type your website URL and then press Continue.
    Step 5 - Enter URL
  • The easiest method here is A. Download a trusted file. If you wish to use Method B search I.T. Recipes for ‘How to add a TXT record to DNS’.
    Step 6 - Verify Method
  • Once we have downloaded the file, we will need to log in to our site via FTP or SFTP. Use your preferred client (FileZilla, Win SCP)
    Step 7 - Upload Trusted File
  • Right click in the right-hand box and Create Dictionary called .well-known, then add our trusted file to this dictionary
    Step 8 - Create Folder
  • Press Verify and we are done
    Step 9 - Verify Brave Creator

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