Create a email template for Google Mail

Create A Template In Gmail

Create a Email Template in Google Mail

Create a simple Google Mail email template for eceryday use
Computer Time 15 minutes
Total Time 15 minutes


  • Google Mail Account


  • 1 Your Company Logo Best size 300x300px
  • 1 Your Company Logo Best size 300x300px


Enable Google Mail Templates

  • Click Settings (Cog in top right) then select See all settings
  • Click Advanced tab
  • In the template section, click Enable then Save Changes at the bottom

Create Google Mail Template

  • Click Compose
  • Delete your signature, this will be added each time you open a template
  • Design your template by completing the Subject (Will form the templates’ name) and Body
  • You can complete To, but it's not required.
  • Click More (3 dots) then Templates > Save as new template
    Gmail Create Template

Using A Google Mail Template

  • Click Compose
  • Click More (3 dots) then Insert template, then choose your template
    Gmail Use Template

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