Never loose an email: Setup a Catch All Email address

Catch-all email or default email reduces accidental loose of email when sent to the wrong person. Imagine a potential client emailing, your email is Not a huge difference, but enough for an undelivered email.

What Is Catch All Email?

Mail is delivered to your home address every day. Post for Mr Thomas Smith is for me and post for Tom Smith is also for me. But letters for Tomas Smithy, definitely not me, still get delivered.

Instead of a postal worker throwing post for Tomas Smithy away its delivered so I can deal with it just.

Catch all email is very similar to Tomas Smithy. Instead of discarding the email, it’s delivered to a central inbox. So you can sort it internally and not miss important information.

Additional Benefits

Catch-all email has another benefit. Being able to provide an extra email address without having to set up one. For example, I used to sign up to This isn’t a separate inbox. All emails for appear in a group email box.

Problems With Catch All Email

I feel you should set this up no matter what. But does come with its issues, SPAM. Lots of spam.

There are many ways in which spammers get your email, some of which are

  • Sign up to a service and your email address might get sold,
  • Publish your email on your website and your information will get scrapped
  • Randomly send emails to random emails and see what gets through

The last is our issue, if any email sent to gets through then the spammers can just send to I found our spam rate went up. But the knowledge of knowing that a client could do the same and I can get some work far out ways this issue.


Here at I.T. Recipes We have created several guides on how to set up a catch-all email.