5 Spreadsheet Tricks To Improve Your Data

Quite often when we receive data, it can be in various formats and styles. Though our data maybe correct and valid it can look ugly when it isn’t in a easy to read format. We have gathered together some spreadsheet tricks to improve your data.

Some of the worst culprits are

  • User form submissions
  • Collecting data from various websites EG: finding local businesses to sell to

To improve our data we have gathered here together to celebrate the union of you our reader and these spreadsheet formulas in blissful existence. I now pronounce you a spreadsheet guru.

Google Sheets Baked In Cleanup 

Google has baked in a Data Cleanup function. To access just press Data > Data cleanup > Cleanup suggestions.

Spreadsheet Tricks To Improve Your Data > Google Sheets Data Cleanup Menu
Google Sheets Data Cleanup Menu


If we have data in cells that’s all capitals, no capitals or a mismatch of both then proper can help.

Proper will adjust our cell data so every word’s 1st character is a capital. 

Proper Spreadsheet Formula
Proper Spreadsheet Formula
Create a barcode in Excel & Sheets
Create a barcode using Excel or Sheets
Check out this recipe
Excel Barcode Feature Image


Need to shout in every cell? Maybe you just want every letter to be a capital? Well Upper has got your back.

EG: Mushy Pea gravy = MUSHY PEA GRAVY

Upper Spreadsheet Formula
Upper Spreadsheet Formula


Remember =upper? =Lower is its evil twin. Ok not evil but definitely opposite. Lower will make every letter in a cell lowercase

EG: Pizza on TOAST = pizza on toast

Lower Spreadsheet Formula
Lower Spreadsheet Formula


Trim will remove unnecessary spaces from a cell

EG Chef  Sue ate     extra   cake = Chef Sue ate extra cake

Google Sheets: use the Trim Whitespace Function built into Google Sheets without having to write a formula.

Select the columns or rows you wish to change. Then Click Data > Trim whitespace.

TRIM Spreadsheet Formula
TRIM Spreadsheet Formula

Clear Formatting 

Formatting is made up of text size, font style, bold, italic, underlined, text colour, cell background colour, cell borders.

We can remove formatting in both Excel and Sheets by selecting the cells, columns / rows we wish to ‘reset to default’ and pressing

Microsoft Excel Clear Formats

Editing > Clear > Clear Formats

Google Sheets Clear Formatting

Format > Clear Formatting

Google Sheets Clear Formatting

The Finial Spreadsheet Tricks To Improve Your Data Is Spell Checking

It sounds like a no brainer but you might be surprised how many times we have been guilty of not Spell Checking a spreadsheet.

Google Sheets Spell Checker
Google Sheets Spell Check

Struggling with the above recipe? Hire a chef to do it for you