15 Easy Spreadsheet Keyboard Shortcuts To Speed Up Your Day

Saving time is always part of the day-to-day battle. So we have compiled a small list of quick and easy spreadsheet keyboard shortcuts to help you complete those everyday tasks we love and hate.

If we haven’t opened a spreadsheet at least once a day we assume our business has closed down and forgot to tell us. So it’s imperative we can spend as little time on them as possible so we can focus on the day to day.

To make sure we don’t lead you down the wrong path, we have tested the below shortcuts in Google Sheets, Microsoft Excel, OpenOffice Calc and Apple Numbers.

See our 5 Essential spreadsheet formulas to help with your business maths.

Note about Google Sheets: On our first attempt using Shortcuts 2, 3, 4 and 5 we were asked to enable ‘Compatible Keyboard Shortcuts’. If you don’t, then the below shortcuts will only open the menu with the command.

Copy, Paste, Cut, Redo, Undo

These universal shortcut keys will work in any application. Word, Google Chrome, Photoshop, GIMP, Excel and Sheets.

They are the de facto shortcut keys in I.T. and the same everywhere 

PC and ChromebookMac
CutCTRL + XCommand + X
CopyCTRL + CCommand + C
PasteCTRL + VCommand + V
UndoCTRL + ZCommand + Z
RedoCTRL + YCommand + Y
Spreadsheet Keyboard Shortcuts Copy, Paste, Cut, Redo, Undo
Copy, Paste, Cut, Redo, Undo

Insert Row or Column

Another task we need to complete quite often is inserting a new Row or Column.

PC and ChromebookMac
Insert Row AboveALT + I + RCtrl + Option + I, then R
Insert Row BelowALT + I + WCtrl + Option + I, then W
Insert Column To RightALT + I + CCtrl + Option + I, then C
Insert Column To LeftALT + I + GCtrl + Option + I, then G

If you require more than one row or column select the required amount of rows, you need on your spreadsheet then use the above shortcuts

Insert Row or Column
Insert Row or Column

Delete a Row or Column

As well as adding we may need to delete data, we don’t need.

Delete Current RowALT + E + DCtrl + Option + E, then D
Delete Current ColumnALT + E + ECtrl + Option + E, then E
Delete a Row or Column
Delete a Row or Column

Select a whole Row or Column

This one is useful when requiring to apply formatting to a while Row or Column

Select Whole RowShift + SpacebarCtrl + Option + E, then D
Select Whole ColumnCtrl  + SpacebarCtrl + Option + E, then E
Select a whole Row or Column
Select a whole Row or Column

Find or Replace a Value

Can’t find a specific cell or just want to replace all occurrences of Apartment with Flat. Then we can use find to locate our data and replace to change multiple occurrences in our spreadsheet.

These keyboard shortcuts are universal, much like copy, paste, cut, redo and undo all applications we use on a day to day will use these shortcuts if they have a find or replace feature.

Find ValuesCTRL + FCommand + F
Find and ReplaceCTRL + HCommand + Shift + F
Find or Replace a Value
Find or Replace a Value

Struggling with the above recipe? Hire a chef to do it for you